
Let's try colonialism again

From tourism advice provided by the Wall Street Journal:

It's a China that is long past but glimpsed in three remote and astonishingly well-preserved historic cities. image

<begin sarcasm>

The Wall Street Journal is offering tips for upper class travelers to explore the exotic and undisturbed historic savagery of primitive China. How titillating.

The ethnic Naxi people who give Lijiang its character have been largely overwhelmed by Han Chinese hotel developers, tour operators and trinket sellers.

Quick! See the Naxi before they are rendered extinct by development that is in no way encouraged by upper class tourism!

A visitor might not see more than a couple of Western faces, but there are throngs of Chinese tourists descending from the buses parked outside the old city. That's a downside to Pingyao: the sojourn back in time is marred by guides shouting into bullhorns and by tourist shops selling T-shirts and the local peanut brittle.

How dare the Chinese disturb the respectful and demure gaze of the Western tourists who really know how to respect the savages and their earthy ways.

<end sarcasm>

From: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB121703383271586729.html?mod=2_1578_topbox

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